Public Speaking will be THE most important skill in the future. In the greatly competitive marketplace that we now find ourselves, if we want to stand out, then having a dynamic presentation of ourself and our skills has never been more poignant.
HOWEVER ~ most people would rather die than give a speech. The Book of Lists reports on a poll conducted in the United States where 41% of those polled stated that their #1 biggest fear was to give a speech. Death was seventh on the list.

Some speeches are more memorable than others. My role is to help you prepare a speech that, once delivered, falls in the "more memorable" category.

In preparation of your speech, I will work with you to:

  • Define your topic
  • Decipher a beginning, middle and end
  • Find what is relevant in your speech & then find ways to relate it to your audience
  • Create examples that illustrate your main points and encapsulate your words with anecdotes
  • Sprinkle in ways, throughout your speech, to stay connected with your audience
  • Practice with self critique
  • Practice with me giving positive, actionable feedback
  • Practice while having fun!
I am here to help. You are not alone.