Image Consulting

You CAN judge a book by it's cover! So how can your clothing send a professional message and yet not get lost in a sea of grey suits and talking heads?

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Media Training

If your organization has employees who need to get up to speed on the company message or prepare for a media onslaught, this is the workshop for you and your group.

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Job Interview Training

Preparing for any kind of interview can be very nerve wracking. It’s an “unknown” because, like a tennis match, you are never 100% certain which direction the ball will be coming from.
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Direct comedic and non traditional commercials. Challenging expectations and “norms” and at the same time creating content that is amusing and memorable.

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Elevator Pitch

Wherever you go, whatever you do, it’s a wise investment in yourself and your business to have an appropriate and concise answer. “So what do you do?”

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Soundbite Preparation

News sound bites are “stand alone”. The reporter or interviewer's voice and questions will not be heard.  Therefore, you must begin your answer with a complete sentence that can stand by itself.

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Message Development

Messaging needs to have a beginning, middle and end. How do you do that? The “less is more” theory holds especially true in media. Learn to say what you want to say.

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Speech Preparation

In our greatly competitive marketplace today, if we want to stand out, then having a dynamic presentation of our-self and our skills has never been more poignant.

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Interview Techniques

Understanding and navigating the sometimes challenging terrain of a media interview will serve you well in any life situation, not just in your dealings with the public.

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Since 1993

Andrea Devaux has led media training and image consulting workshops throughout the United States for almost three decades. Her background is a combination of media advocacy, theater directing and film production.
Her career began when she was working for a major medical organization training high powered doctors to prepare for appearances on prime time television. She then transitioned into being the on-staff media trainer for Media Alliance, of San Francisco for several years.
With directing skills and understanding of “the package,” she brings a unique approach to the experience of representing yourself and your organization. Andrea's film and theater background gives her a unique perspective on how to help her clients "come alive" and enjoy the experience of public speaking.
She currently works with individuals and groups who need to appear in public or on camera, as well as those who need to finesse how to "stay on message" or, for that matter, figure out what their message is.
Andrea Devaux, Feb 2024
So if you'd rather die than speak in public, get ready for a paradigm shift!
Don't waste another minute. 
Email to schedule a free 20 minute consultation.